August 28, 2021

Craig Roberts

 Craig Roberts was knick-named "King of the Dune Buggies" due to his love of them and even built his own. I met Craig's family shortly after I started CCFHV. They have tirelessly looked for answers in his case. 

    Craig was found shot to death in his home on August 26, 2002.  When Craig's brother Steve was 1st notified about this, he was told that the police thought it was a suicide.

Craig was shot twice in the head while he was in his bed asleep. (you heard me right...twice!)
Steve Roberts has been very active in Craig's investigation. He has pulled all the resources available to him and spent countless hours, days, weeks, years, etc. trying to find out what happened to his brother. (He may have ideas, but a little justice would be nice!) 

I know that a few years back, someone came forward in this case stating that they were present during the murder and even had a hand in it, but our former Prosecutor said he didn't believe the person so therefore, it didn't go anywhere. There seems to be a few conflicting stories about this confession and the fact that there were 5 people present in the house when he was murdered and you can read some of the comments here

If you have any information in this case, please call the Prosecutor's Office at 330-420-0140. 

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